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PGMania - all in one astrophotography package for processing deep sky images. It provides wide and unique functionality, a powerful and flexible tool with a clear and convenient interface for astrophotography image processing. The program is constantly evolving. Each new version adds new functionality that is relevant for astro photographers. Known bugs are quickly eliminated.

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PGMania ReadMe
/pterodactilus vulgaris/

PGMania. Astrophotography image and video processor

Since 2015

In this manual, you will find out what PGMania was made for, what technologies it uses, how PGMania processes astrophotos, how it differs from other programs, its features and benefits. There are many of these differences. First of all, these are alternative approaches to image calibration. Secondly, PGMania provides many times more opportunities for image alignment, stacking and post-processing.And, as a result, in PGMania we get much better results for all processing cycles of deep sky images. In addition, the program has a user-friendly interface, all operations are carried out through intuitive options in the menu where no excessive number of tables, icons and windows. Everything is simple and clear.

PGMania. Astrophotography image and video processor

About this software

PGMania - all in one astrophotography package for processing deep sky images. It provides wide and unique functionality, a powerful and flexible tool with a clear and convenient interface for astrophotography image processing. The program is constantly evolving. Each new version adds new functionality that is relevant for astro photographers. Known bugs are quickly eliminated.
Download PGMania


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Home site
Screenshots of image processing
Web service for FTP and IP camera

Processing astrophotography in PGMania

The process of obtaining astrophotography is well studied and has widespread application. The technologies have been worked out well enough and allow you to get sustainable results. As in any direction of technological progress, technology in astrophotography also does not stand still. It's not just telescopes that allow hobbyists to increase their apertures and penetrate deeper space. Not just computers that offer ever greater performance, and not just astronomy cameras that allow more details to be pulled out of total darkness. The point is in the approaches and technologies for processing the obtained images. Let's talk about one of these technologies.
The program performs all processing cycles, including alignment, calibration, stacking, post-processing images, does many secondary operations and much more. PGMania began in 2015 from inventing an alternative technology for deep-sky image calibration. With this technology there is no need for a bunch of additional technical images and their derivatives as dark, dark flat, bias, etc. Forget about it and sleep well. The program will do everything itself in the best possible way only from what your telescope and camera have seen in the sky.
With PGMania at the output, we get a clean signal, without hot pixels and noise. All you need to calibrate the pair of lights is pair of lights. Computer processing of images in the style - this pixel we paint over, another we smear, and this we smudge is not performed. Everything happens thanks to mathematics and the laws of physics, as in nature. For this reason, PGMania is environmentally friendly - it doesn't litter your photos with things that were never been there. A processor with a magnifier will not crawl through your pictures blurring hot pixels, hiding satellites and cosmic rays. They will dissolve on their own like bubbles in water. When the water has calmed down, and background will become a mirror you will see the essence.

This is how it works in PGMania

- Darks and Bias are not used. But they can be used, if you wish. There is no need for them and, moreover, they only interfere with the pure signal.
- At the output, an increase in signal / noise ratio is obtained already at the calibration stage, and not at the addition stage.
- Calibration does not introduce new noise into the original image and does not distort the image by extrapolation.
- There is no need for a bunch of additional technical images, such as dark, bias, and their derivatives.

You can read about the disadvantages of traditional calibration and its pitfalls here https://prozarium.ru/TextDetails.aspx?TextID=2641
About the advantages of the technology implemented in PGMania here https://prozarium.ru/TextDetails.aspx?TextID=2542
Gif animation of the calibration process https://imageup.ru/img196/3868073/calibration.gif.html
There are 2 original lights. They are aligned by a signal to master. The other is subtracted from one, the noise stands out.
Further, this noise is subtracted from the light. At the output, we get a pure light and then debayerization takes place.

And you will get
- Opportunities and needs to think about what, how and what for you are doing that
- Full control over the processes of images alignment, calibration, stacking and post-processing
- Saving time in the absence of the need to capture additional images and their processing
- Better and more clear final results
- Flexible processing options
- Increased image resolution and signal-to-noise ratio as a result

All this is accompanied by a very long list of available features and options detailed step-by-step documentation with tons of examples and descriptions

PGMania provides only tools and opportunities. This is the machine. It doesn't generate masterpieces on the fly. It all depends on the footage, on the skills and processing labor. Using the program may seem tricky at first. Having mastered it, you just can't do else without it. The program is constantly evolving. Each new version adds new functionality that is relevant for astrophotography's. Known bugs are quickly eliminated..


Trial period for demo version limited to 30 days.
For using PGMania after trial expires you should to register your PGMania instance.

PGMania distributes under 3 available licence types:

Using on 1 PC...............................................from 30$
Using on 2 PC...............................................from 50$
Using on any PC amount...............................from 70$

For questions please contact the author at pgmania@yandex.ru
Enjoy it.

The author

< br />The author is a professional software developer and amateur astronomer. This allows you to create a demanded and high-quality software.
PGMania is completely unique and uses only own algorithms for processing astronomical images.
The program develop by one person, on his own initiative and at own expense. All code is self-written, without involving third-party developers.

The best way to support the author and the program is to buy PGMania licence and use legally. Register your copy of the program as a first step.
You can support the project by making donate via PayPal or other services. This will help product to develop. The amount can be any, we appreciate your contribution.
Also, looking for ongoing sponsors for long-term cooperation.

(c)2014-2022 Eugene Trifonov, aka p.v. /Pterodactilus Vulgaris/, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: pgmania@yandex.ru
Skype: prozarium
t.me: @EugeneTrifonov

Installation and requirements

Download and unpack archive, create shortcut for PGmania.exe and place it to desktop.
PGMania operates on base of multithreaded, asincronous, parallel and distributed processing.
You can start so many instances of PGMania at one time how many your processor have cores and how hard it may works.
We recommend to use maximum amount of operative memory. Min is 4Gb. Sometimes PGMania uses web based services for processing.
So you should have alive Internet connection for several operations.
PGMania require .Net 4.8 runtime been installed https://github.com/microsoft/dotnet/tree/master/releases/net48
OS Win 7/8/10/11. Any CPU.


**** Image and video processing ****

Processing images with 8/16/32 bit depth
Supports any of known image file formats
Supports most of known DSLR image types (extensible list)
Shows EXIF for images and bpp/rate/codec, etc. for movies
Converts image file formats / supports batch image converting
Creates movies from image series / concatenates videos
Reconstructs broken numeration in image sequences
Creates 16bpp gray/color AVI(etc.)
Batch image processing to
-reflect images vertically, horizontally, to rotate 180 degrees
-to actualize virtual offsets and use the histogram settings
-to normalize the histogram and to invert to negative

**** Aligning, calibrating, stacking ****

Patented calibrating algorithm* based on using lights images only
Traditional calibrating algorithm using darks and flats images
Aligning, fitting and calibrating* images using rotations and direct displacements / manual/auto in a several modes and orders
Customizable variable pitch for moving and rotation images when manually combining images
Aligning, fitting and calibrating* image series via reference points
Substracting darks and flats from images series
Filtering aligned source images by median filter before stacking
Stacking image series in a 3 modes with SNR optimization/ auto in combine with wide list of various evaluation submodes
RGB combining from separate b/w channels
LRGB combining from luminocity channel and RGB images
Mozaic (panorama) stacking

**** Analisys and calculations ****

Detecting stars on deep sky images with dependence on adjustable histogram settings and detection limits settings
Choosing 3 available modes of working area size for detecting stars
Calculating and showing histogram, coordinates, fwhm, snr, size, standart deviation and magnitudes for detected stars and average fwhm/snr for images
Generating stars list with direct link between stars on the image and stars in the list of detected stars.
Finding and recognizing stars on image series by reference points template defined on a master image
Automatically generating reference points on images for recognized stars
Generating star map with detected stars on separate image
Layer with star markers and text labels stored in a separate files

**** Postprocess ****

One touch image settings for luminocity, background and contrast stretching, alive image histogram control
Showing histogram for selected stars
Creating adaptive negative mask from image with black level transparency (managed b/w inversion)
Flip/flop images for vertical and horisontal axes and to 180 dgr
Displacements/rotation, histogram adjustments with saving results in WYSIWYG style
Creates screenshots with detected stars markers, stars statistics info and user defined text markers placed on the image
Enchancement, noise reduction and sharpen images
Hot pixel removing (while calibration)

**** Color processing ****

Color processing with choosing transparency, color space, color type, compression and alpha settings.
Simple one touch actions like colors inverting and histogram normalizing.
Debyering - converting monochrome raw images to RGB color with various scenarios with saving result
Debayering "on the fly" without files saving for preview purposes
Splitting color RGB images into separate color channels
Combining images with separate color channels into RGB color image

**** FTP client****

Working with images of user FTP servers and (IP) cameras (Web preview, upload to web site and download to local PC).
Automatic transfering images from FTP servers and their folders to the local PC folders.
You can register and connect any amount of cameras to watch, transfer and download images.
Web service for transfer, publicate and watch (IP) cameras images via web site is optional payent service available by separate request.
Whatching camera images is possible on any web site. See more https://prozarium.ru/TextDetails.aspx?TextID=2632

**** Logging ****

Export/import loging to XML file
Separated logs for each processed images folder
Logging each image processing settings, align/calibrate results and statistics for detected stars
Maintenance of operations list for each of processed image and logging operations workflow and results to txt file
Storing information about master images used while align/calibrate for each of processed image pair.

*) All you need is two images with star fields (lights). No need for dark & bias files for calibration and fitting images.
There are available two PGMania patented calibration algorithms.
See more about PGMania original calibration technique here