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PGMania - all in one astrophotography package for processing deep sky images. It provides wide and unique functionality, a powerful and flexible tool with a clear and convenient interface for astrophotography image processing. The program is constantly evolving. Each new version adds new functionality that is relevant for astro photographers. Known bugs are quickly eliminated.
email: pgmania@yandex.ru
telegram: @EugeneTrifonov

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Опубликовано в: Блог: PGMania


FTP server and IP cameras
/pterodactilus vulgaris/

We have announce two different types of work with your FTP server and IP cameras images.

This option appeared in realise v.1.112

1. To use this service in a full functionality mode you should to registrer your copy of PGMania® and purchase a license for PGMania® to work with no restrictions.

First you have to register you FTP server and IP camera (you should already have credentials for it).
and your IP camera should already sent images to this FTP server.
If FTP server and IP camera registration is complete and connection test is Ok, you can get images from camera to your local PC using PGMania®
This service works in automatic mode but starts manually when you choose operation 'Get IP Cam images from FTP server'.
You will be prompt for a date range to choose images on FTP server.
All images for this range of dates will be downloaded to you local folders on your PC.
You can specify the option for automatic clearing FTP server from already downloaded images.
You should specify the path for images on a local PC. Be sure you have the rights to the choosen path.
The images already existing in the folder will be skipped while downloading.
This service also will be available in a PGMania® demo mode while its trial period is not expired.

This option is worked now. You can order to connect your cameras right now.

2. Web based transferring images service. It is optional service and you pay for it separately.
You can register transferring your IP camera images to our Web UI on Prozarium.ru
You will be able to view images from an IP camera over the Internet and download them in full size.
This service works automatically and you will receive all the images for the period (24 hours by default) from your FTP server with the rotation of images in the selected album on a site.

Attention! The web site is managed via CMS. Web site interface is in Russian only. You will be able to download images in full size from the web site to your local PC only if you are already been registered on the web site.
After registering on the web site you will get full access to your IP camera album and other content. You can make this album to be public or private as you like.

This web service works separarely from PGMania® but first in any way you should register your FTP Server and IP Camera. In the next version of PGMania® you will be able to register as described at point 1.

For now you can register at this service by sending rgistration request to pgmania@yandex.ru
After we connect your FTP server to our service and test images transmittion we will send you an approval. The next step you should to pay for using this service. The minimal period of using service is 3 mth but you may choose any greater.

If you already have purchased the license for use our IP Cam images transfering web service, we will activate it in a short time. If not, you should pay for use this service. It will be activated for you after we will got you payment.

This payment is monthly but you can pay for any period of time forward.
The price for one IP Cam depends on images size and images count recieving from your ftp server and starts from $5/month (for a typical cam images like 1920x1080 with images sequence interval not less than 3 minutes.
If you already had payed for license and it is expired, we will deactivate this service for you automatically till we recieve a new payment.

See an example how the web service works on our test IP Camera

See example of how the FTP address and path to your IP camera images may look

  - Where '' is Ftp server IP Address.
  - 'Webcam1' is your camera name field.
  - '20190306' is a date folder. This field should be filled and incremented by the IP camera automatically.
  - 'images' is a IP camera prefix field. It generates by camera automatically. You have to specify this name properly.
  - 'P19030602301610.jpg' is example of camera image file name.

If the path to your IP Camera images looks different of this template, you should ask us to add your camera template to our service via sending email to pgmania@yandex.ru before you pay for it.